Take control of your wellbeing
It’ s a tough time to be a human in the world. We’re tired. We’re burnt out. We’re under more pressure than ever and we’re looking for ways to look after ourselves that really work.
You probably find yourself muttering ‘ what the f*ck?’ several times a day. Maybe you’re stagnated, anxious and you’ve got tunnel vision. Maybe you’ve noticed that problem solving feels fudgey and we’re burnt out. You’ve tried all the usual wellbeing techniques but you’re still just not feeling quite right.
One thing you might not have tried? Creativity. For whatever reason, we often don’t think we could or should try creativity. That because we aren’t an artist or a writer or a poet or a dancer, it isn’t for us. But it is for you. Everyone is creative if we let ourselves be. And creativity as a tool for taking care of your wellbeing? It’s incredibly powerful.
Creativity can help:
Make meaning of the world around us
Manage pain
Increase your self efficacy
Improve your emotional regulation
Lower your stress hormone response
Enhance your immune function
Reduce mental distress
Improve your quality of life.
The best part? You don 't have to be great, or even good, at art to experience the benefits. You just have to make the time for it, the commitment to it and give yourself the freedom to do it, without judgement.
That’s what this guide is all about - bringing in a few small creative habits to help you be the best version of yourself plus tips for making those habits stick.
Grab this PDF guide to discover eight creative habits for a happier you and unlock better wellbeing in the process.
Ready to get started? Download our creative health coaching guide and tap into the power of creativity for your mental health.